(248) 269-0230 clemieux@mihp.net

Why MoveWell®?


Over 35% of employees indicate they suffer from back, shoulder or neck pain


A rapid increase in soft tissue injuries (leading to actual recordable injuries) has occurred following periods of inactivity 

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Over 40% of recordable injuries are due to “strain and sprain” injuries

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Past programs have been ineffective in “engaging individuals” to learn how to prevent or reduce musculoskeletal pain.

The Cost


$1 of every $2 of Worker’s Compensation costs are spent on occupational musculoskeletal disorders (MSD’s).


Employers pay $15-20 billion per year in Worker’s Compensation costs for lost workdays.


Mean costs per case of upper extremity MSD are $8,070 versus a mean cost of $4,075 per case for all types of work related injury.

Worker’s Compensation claims per injury equal $29,000-$32,000 per year.


Medical expenses and Worker’s Compensation costs from work-related MSD’s are increasing 2.5 times faster than benefit costs!

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